Travel Back To The Past To Widen Your Perspective

Travel to Thiruvakkarai To Widen Your Perspective (How would you like to travel to a place that will widen your perspective by 20 million years?! Take a break, pack a camera, and travel to Thiruvakkarai. A drive down ECR with a lunch stop-over at Pondicherry is the best that you can do on a Sunday.) Traveling to new places and seeing new things widen one’s perspective. This is an adage that’s surely worn-out and thin from excess usage. The truth is that only some places and some things do and some places and some things don’t. And in this particular place and the particular thing the adage proves its truth, and proves it by a very wide margin- and by the Geological Survey of India’s estimate, by no less than 20 million years!! The place I am talking about is Thiruvakkarai and the phenomenon I am talking about is the fossil trees of Thiruvakkarai . Thiruvakkarai is a quaint little village of South Arcot District. It lies about 20 to 25 kms south west of Pondicherry, between Pondicherry...