Take 5


Take a break!

The world has turned topsy turvy
Life seems reduced to a senseless ritual
Man seems to have  turned against man
It seems a pure jungle.

There is an ignorance and perversion that seems to have permeated every moment and space of our existence
The very air we breathe seems polluted with this ignorance and perversion.

'Society' has failed us,
'Government' has betrayed us,
'Civilization' seems to be leading to some perverse reality,
'Knowledge' has only pitched and divided man aganist man
'Relationships' have lost meaning, leading to estrangement
'Religion' seems dogmatic
'Philosophy' seems escapist.

The only assured thing seems to be an inglorious and sorrowful end as ‘innocent victims’, at best to some natural calamity, or may be to some ‘human-error’, or most likely  as victims to the wantom perversiveness of man against man. Man against life.

Is there any hope atall?
Is it to withdraw from society?
Is it to withdraw from family?
Is it to withdraw from relationships?
Is it all lost?

NO !
All is not lost. It cannot be lost.
There  is peace and bliss.
Here and now.

And the only thing we have to do is to take a break.
Take 5, not 5 minutes but perhaps 5 hours or 5 days.
5 hours to cure one and 5 days to cure the world.
 Let us leave the world aside, for if we take care of ourselves the world will take care of itself.

On a cool evening, wipe off that grim mask, forget your  worldly ‘role’, pull up a friend and head straight to the seas. Far from the maddenning crowd.
Find your own beach and drop to the sands.

Sitting in the sands,
Watch the dusk merge slowly into the distant seas.
Watch The night take over the day smoothly.
Lie on the sands,
Feel the waves, feel the rythm.
Gaze at the skies, at the distant stars.
Think of the unseen galaxies.

Contemplate the infiniteness of space and the timelessness of time.
Feel the depthless silence that links you with your thoughts.
The waves rythm, the vast skies, the twinkling stars, the unfanthomable time, and infinite space have all been here for ages beyond ages.
And will be here for ages to come.

Take a deep breath,
We belong to this timeless expanse,
This expanse is our spirit.
The seas beside,
The sands beneath,
The skies above,
Are all cradling us within their depths in their deep enveloping silence of the night.

Breathe in this expansiveness.
Feel this between slow deep breaths.

Now hear the waves talk to you.
They are the distant voices of the twinkling stars.
The stars twinkle at you for they are your friends.

Feel this oneness with the primal elements.
They are all us, we are all of this.
We belong here.
Heavens are our original home.
And the stars are our friends.
Some day we will join them back in our homeland.

This is our ultimate knowledge,
This is the ultimate feeling, a feeling before knowledge.
This is our consciousness.
 This is our peace. This is our bliss.
 This is the bliss that every living moment should contribute to.
This is the peace that every act/activity should contribute to.
This is the freedom and bliss that every friendship/relationship should contribute to.
 Everything else is irrelevant.

All we need to do is Take 5, take a break.

(Written in 1992. Posted on 22nd August, 2013)


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